Thursday, October 31, 2013


 Who doesn't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?! actually personally I hate them, but it is what they call the American sandwich right? i mean the thing is pretty popular. you see them in movies, you see them in those reality shows when the children eat lunch, you see them everywhere! but what still confuses me and maybe even you too  is why is it so popular?! Just look at it; all it is just flavored jelly and peanut butter along with some bread, and besides the bread is WHEAT bread, I hate wheat bread, white bread tastes a lot better. I don't know it is about wheat bread that tastes bad but, man it tastes bad.

Story about me:
 Back in 3rd grade, I ordered lunches and one of the options for the food of your choice was pb&j.  so I thought hey why not lets give it a try. I picked one up and sat down to start munching at it but the moment it entered my mouth, it was horrible. I immediately disposed of it and drank some milk. I guess I'm the weird one here because well apparently I also don't like chocolate milk. No ... in fact I've never even tasted it before! even now as we speak I still don't know what in god's name it tastes like. but I'm sure it probably doesn't taste like actual chocolate or milk at all, why you ask I'm not sure but I'm always suspicious of that company, Shamrock farms, that's right, that company and their cow on the front every single milk bottle telling me to play crossword puzzles. I don't know about you but you should never trust a cow that tells to play crossword puzzles, I mean, I'm just sayin...


Dancing Banana

1 comment:

  1. This is a really funny post! Who doesn't love a good pb&j? I actually didn't at first when I was little.
